SMP for Men

Scalp Micropigmentation for Men  

Scalp Micropigmentation treatments for men provide effective results for creating that just shaved look or creating density to thinning hair.

Male SMP Treatments London

Scalp Micropigmentation Treatments for Men are increasingly popular.  SMP provides an effective hair loss solution for men suffering from hair loss, male pattern balding and thinning hair.

SMP procedure is performed on the scalp with a hand-tool containing a needle which inserts the pigment into the scalp.  The pigment (ink) being used is completely safe and adheres to EU/UK regulations.

The pigment is gradually absorbed by the body over a two year period as it fades - a top up is recommended every 6 months to refresh the treatment.

Get The Just Shaved Look

SMP Treatments for men are popular because it can create that 'Just Shaved Look'. Male Pattern Hair Loss is the main reason many men opt for SMP as an alternative to a hair transplant. The remainder of the hair is shaved down to a few millimetres.

This allows the follicle simulation to be matched to the existing surrounding hair, to create the illusion of a full head ‘shaved effect’. The missing hairline is reinstated, and this really makes a huge difference on the visual appearance. It gives the face a more flattering look and some people look younger, restoring self-esteem and self-confidence.

Creating a fuller look

This is the ideal treatment for men. The Micropigmentation treatment helps to create density and the appearance of a natural, full head of hair.

If the hair loss is due to thinning and there is enough hair to cover the balding spot, then a densifying approach can be taken. The hair can be re-styled to accommodate the new ‘layout’. Careful planning arrived at during the consultation will expose any weak areas and establish whether the procedure is viable

Diffused Technique

The alternative scalp micropigmentation technique that can be used is the ‘diffused’ technique. This scalp micropigmentation technique gives the impact of fuller and thicker hair covering the thinning scalp. This technique can only be used if the person has the length and depth of surrounding hair to allow this to look natural once completed. The ultimate hair style may have to be altered, but it will result in a new and improved, naturally looking you.

Men who may have a balding crown, but are able to grow the surrounding hair to a length which can cover the thinning patch can have this technique done.   It works extremely well and provides a great base, airbrushing the bald spot completely invisible. 

The benefits of SMP vs FUE/FUT:

• Affordable for most budgets

• Less painful

• Minimal recovery time

• Minimally-invasive

On the day of the procedure, the hair will be shaved close to the scalp, assuring that the balding/thinning area is evenly covered and blends with the rest of the hair. As the hair grows, shaving is required to keep the hair looking good and fresh.

The Hamilton-Norwood Scale is used to cost the individual treatments. Please see pricing for further details and consultation appointment.

Alopecia Areata /Alopecia Barbae 

The unpleasant looking, circular bald patches that appear on the scalp can be very well disguised with an SMP treatment. This also applies to the patches on the facial hair of the beard area where this condition can occur or where scar tissue prevents hair growth.

Androgenetic alopecia is a condition recognised by a progressive miniaturisation of the hair follicles quality and thickness. This occurs by the action of the androgen hormone, di-hydrotestosterone which is essential for our physical growth and it is converted by testosterone through 5-alpha-reductase – a type 2 enzyme. Up to 70% of males will be affected by the pattern hair loss described above.

Surgery Scars

Are you considering having Scalp micropigmentation treatment? Click here to view the gallery for before and after images. 

Here at TrichoSynergy we treat men looking to regain their confidence and feel better about how they look. Men suffering from Male Pattern Baldness, scarring or thinning hair can benefit from SMP treatment.

Book a consultation. If you have any questions about the treatment

Hair loss solution for women

Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is not just for men. For women who are experiencing thinning hair and hair loss Female SMP can help restore confidence by creating density and a fuller natural look.
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SMP costs guideline

Men suffering from Male Pattern Baldness or other hair loss conditions can benefit from Scalp Micropigmentation. 
It achieves a shaved look and defines the hairline.
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Tailored for Afro hair

At Trichosynergy London we specialise in SMP treatments for Afro hair loss conditions. 

Promoting a healthy scalp and stimulating hair regrowth.
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If you are experiencing a loss of confidence due to hair loss.

Don't despair! Call to find out how we can help...
If you are experiencing any of the hair and scalp conditions listed. Make sure you seek treatment as soon as possible.

It is possible to slow down and in some cases repair damage to hair follicles and scalp.
Loss of confidence and embarrassment can be a direct result of hair loss or scalp problems.

At Trichosynergy we diagnose the cause and provide unique treatments for each of our clients.

"We are passionate about healthy hair"

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