Androgenic Alopecia

Pattern Baldness is Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia is the scientific name for the genetic hair loss conditions male pattern baldness (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FPHL).  It is common in both men and women it can cause a loss of self esteem and confidence.

 What is Androgenic Alopecia?

Androgenic Alopecia is the scientific name for the genetic hair loss conditions Male Pattern Baldness (MPHL) and Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL). It is the most common form of hair loss affecting many individuals at some point in their lives, sometimes as early as the late teens or
 early twenties.  

Types of Alopecia

There are many different types of alopecia all with varying causes. Some of the most common include; Alopecia Areata, Androgenic Alopecia, Centrifugal Cicatrical Alopecia, Chemical Alopecia, Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, Telogen Effluvium and Traction Alopecia.

What causes androgenic alopecia?

Androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition whereby genetically programmed areas of the scalp begin to thin and recede. 

Androgenetic alopecia is recognised by a progressive miniaturisation of the hair follicles quality and thickness.

This occurs by the action of the androgen hormone, di-hydrotestosterone which is essential for our physical growth and it is converted by testosterone through 5-alpha-reductase – a type 2 enzyme.

The hair growth cycle changes causing hair quantity to fall and the conversion of testosterone to an enzyme which attacks the hair follicle.

Up to 70% of males will be affected.

Who can be affected by androgenic alopecia?

Men and women alike can be affected by androgenic alopecia.

It appears to be genetically indicated and those with family members (paternal grandfather) affected by pattern baldness tends to be susceptible to suffering from this hair loss condition.

Can you treat androgenic alopecia?

Yes. This type of alopecia is treatable, but not curable. Hair can respond well to the various topical medication. However, the medication must be used continuously as the hair will revert to falling again. There are also oral medicines which are prescription only and as with the topical medicines the hair loss will resume if use is not constant.

It is crucial to receive the correct diagnosis for any type of alopecia. Your consultation will determine the best course of action. We will support and guide you through a range of treatments or surgical options.

Worried about your hair loss?

If you are experiencing any concerns about your hair loss, book a consultation and start restoring your hair.

                                                          Book a consultation

The hair loss treatments at TrichoSynergy Hair Clinic are designed to give you a personal hair loss solution. Book your consultation today and start professionally treating your hair and scalp problems.

See more hair and scalp conditions

Are you suffering from thinning hair, hair loss, patchy areas or Itchy flaky scalp? If you think you are suffering from any of the conditions you see book an appointment with your local trichologist. The sooner you start treatment, the better.

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